Malcom Powers
Lifting the Lid on Thirteen Years of Tory Economic Failure
Yesterday’s Autumn Statement lifted the lid on thirteen years of Conservative economic failure. We were told to expect an Autumn Statement for growth, but growth has been revised down next year the year after and the year after that too. Under the Conservatives, the tax burden is set to increase by £4,300 per household, and […]
National progress on the climate crisis needs local action
The government may have missed opportunities but combining national commitment with action by local authorities there’s an opportunity to make sure that tackling the climate crisis also comes with climate justice. The failure of the Government’s offshore wind auction is just the latest example of the Tories failed approach to tackling climate change in the […]
Freedom From Fear
The news today that shoplifting has increased by 25% is not a surprise but is further evidence that there’s a growing issue with persistent theft from shops. Theft from shops has also long been linked to violence and abuse against shop workers. Over and above the issues caused by the theft itself, repeat and persistent […]